Base Command Set
Alphabetical Overview
- #define - Defines/Aliases.
- #undef - Defines/Aliase entfernen.
- #ide - IDE commands in the source code.
- #if #elseif #else #endif - Conditional compiling of source code.
- #select #case #default #endselect - Conditional compiling of source code.
- #macro #endmacro - Luna-code macros
- #include - Include source code files.
- #includeData - Include binary data files into flash.
- #library - Import a external library.
- #pragma, #pragmaSave, #pragmaRestore, #pragmaDefault - Control compiler-internal processes.
- #cdecl, #odecl, #idecl - Parameter definition for indirect call.
- #error - Show error message (interrupt compile process).
- #warning - Show warning message.
- #message - Show info message.
- Break - Exit a loop.
- BcdEnc() - BCD Coding.
- BcdDec() - BCD Decoding.
- Bin() - Display a value or string in binary format.
- Byte() - Convert data types.
- byte1() - 1. Byte of a 16 or 32-bit-Value
- byte2() - 2. Byte of a 16 or 32-bit-Value
- byte3() - 3. Byte of a 32-bit-Value
- byte4() - 4. Byte of a 32-bit-Value
- byVal, byRef - (Key word)
- ByteToInt16 - Convert numeric sign.
- ByteToInt32 - Convert numeric sign.
- Call - Call a Methode or Inline Assembler Subroutine.
- Ce16() - Convert between LittleEndian/BigEndian.
- Ce32() - Convert between LittleEndian/BigEndian.
- Chr() - Convert numeric value to ASCII.
- Cli - Disable global Interrupts.
- Class-EndClass - User defined class.
- Continue - Continue loop with next iteration.
- CountFields() - Determine number of elements in a separated string.
- Clr/Clear - reset a Variable to Zero/Nil.
- Cos() - Integer Cosine.
- Const - Define a constant.
- .db - Start of Data Block (Byte).
- .dw - Start of Data Block (Word).
- .dl - Start of Data Block (Long).
- Data-EndData - Define dta object (Flash).
- Declaration - (Definition)
- Descriptor() - Current assembling position.
- Decr - Fast decrement.
- Defined() - Check existance of a constant or symbol.
- Dim - Define a variable in RAM.
- Div - Integer Division (Command-Syntax).
- Do-Loop - Loop with optional exit criteria.
- eeDim - Define variable in Eeprom
- Eeprom-EndEeprom - Create Data Object (Eeprom).
- Exception-EndException - Debug Function.
- Exception - (Definition)
- Exit - Exit a loop.
- Even() - Check if Integer value is even.
- Event-EndEvent - Create Event.
- Fabs() - Floating - Find absolute value.
- Facos() Floating - Calculate ArcusCosine (Radiant)
- Fadd() Floating - Addition (Command-Syntax/Function)
- Fdiv() Floating - Division (Command-Syntax/Function)
- Fmul() Floating - Multiplication (Command-Syntax/Function)
- Fsub() Floating - Subtraction (Command-Syntax/Function)
- Fasin() Floating - Calculate ArcusSinus (Radiant)
- Fatan() Floating - Calculate ArcusTangens (Radiant)
- Fcbrt() Floating - Calculate Cubic Root
- Fceil() Floating - Round up to whole number
- Fcosh() Floating - Calculate Hyperbolic Cosine (Radiant)
- Fcos() Floating - Calculate Cosine (Radiant)
- Fdeg() Floating - Convert Radiant to Degrees
- Feven() Floating - Check if even.
- Fexp() Floating - Calculate Exponential value
- Fix() Floating - Convert to whole number.
- Flexp() Floating - Inverse of Frexp
- Flog10() Floating - Calculate Logarithm to Basis 10
- Flog() Floating - Calculate Natural Logarithm
- Floor() Floating - Round down to next whole number, depending on sign
- Fodd() Floating - Check if odd.
- Format() - Format Decimal String.
- For-Next - Loop with Counter.
- Fpow() Floating - Calculate x to power of y
- Frad() Floating - Convert from Degrees to Radiant
- Frac() Floating - Extract Fractional part of a number
- Frexp() v - Convert Value to Mantissa and Exponent
- Fround() Floating - Arithmetic Round Down
- Fsine() Floating - 360° Wave Function, Angle to Degrees
- Fsinh() Floating - Calculate Hyperbolic Sinus
- Fsin() Floating - Calculate Sinus (Radiant)
- Fsplit() Floating - Split Value into whole and rational part
- Fsqrt() Floating - Calculate Square Root
- Fsquare() Floating - Calculate Square
- Ftanh() Floating - Calculate Hyperbolic Tangent
- Ftan() Floating - Calculate Tangent (Radiant)
- Ftrunc() Floating - Round dowwn to next whole number.
- Function-EndFunc - Create a Function with return value.
- Fval() - Convert a String with a decimal floating value to a binary value.
- GarbageCollection() - Manual GarbageCollection.
- Icall - Indirect Function Call via Pointer.
- Idle-EndIdle - Create Idle Event.
- If-ElseIf-Else-Endif - Condition Branching.
- Incr - Fast Increment.
- Instr() - Find Text in Text (String).
- Integer() - Convert Data Types.
- Isr-EndIsr - Create Interrupt Service Routine.
- Jump - Jump to Label or Address.
- Max() - Find largest value in a list of values.
- Median16u() - Calculate Median Value.
- Median16s() - Calculate Signed Median Value.
- MemCmp() - Compare RAM Memory.
- MemCpy() - Copy Memory within RAM (schnell).
- MemSort() - Sort all Bytes of Memory in ascending order.
- MemRev() - Invert Bytes of Memory.
- MemoryBlock - Memory Block Object.
- Mid() - Read part of a Text (String).
- Min() - Find smallest value in a list of values.
- Mod - Modulo-Operator
- Mul - Integer Multiplication (Command-Syntax).
- Mkb() - Convert Byte Value to String.
- Mkw() - Convert Word Value to String.
- Mkt() - Convert Uint24 Value to String.
- Mkl() - Convert Long Value to String.
- Mks() - Convert Single Value to String.
- Nop - Empty command.
- NthField() - Find a field in an element separated String (String).
- Part-EndPart - Highlight Code in the IDE.
- Pascal-String - (Definition)
- Pointer - Pointer (Sram, Flash and Eeprom).
- Preprocessor - Preprocessor (Definition)
- Print - Universal Output to a serial port.
- Procedure-EndProc - Create Method.
- Push8()/PushByte() - Push 8-Bit-Value onto the Stack.
- Push16() - Push 16-Bit-Value onto the Stack.
- Push24() - Push 24-Bit-Value onto the Stack.
- Push32() - Push 32-Bit-Value onto the Stack.
- Pop8()/PopByte() - Pop 8-Bit-Value from the Stack.
- Pop16() - Pop 16-Bit-Value from the Stack.
- Pop24() - Pop 24-Bit-Value from the Stack.
- Pop32() - Pop 32-Bit-Value from the Stack.
- Replace() - Replaces the first occurrence of a string with another string.
- ReplaceAll() - Replaces all occurrences of a string with another string.
- Reset - Restart Controller.
- Return - Return Command from a Method.
- Right() - Read right part of a Text (String).
- Rinstr() - Find a text within a text (String).
- Rnd() - Create pseudo random number 8 bit.
- Rnd16() - Create pseudo random number 16 bit.
- Rnd32() - Create pseudo random number 32 bit.
- Rol - Shift bitweise to left.
- Ror - Shift bitweise to right.
- Seed - Initiate random number generator 8 bit.
- Seed32 - Initiate random number generator 32 bit.
- Select-Case-Default-EndSelect - Fast Case Distinction.
- Sei - Enable global interrupts.
- Shl - Shift byte to left.
- Shr - Shift byte to right.
- Sin() - Integer Sinus.
- Sine() - Fast Integer Sinewave function.
- Single() - Convert data type to single.
- Spc() - Create space characters (String).
- Sram - RAM as a data object.
- Static - Keyword when Dimensioning a variable.
- Struct-EndStruct - User defined struct declaration.
- Str() - Convert binary value to a decimal value (String).
- StrFill() - Fill a Text with another Text (String).
- String - (Definition)
- SoftUart - SoftUart Interface.
- Sub - Integer subtraction (Command-Syntax).
- Sqrt() - Integer square root.
- Swap - Swap variables or values.
- Trim() - Clip leading or trailing non printable characters (String).
- Upper() - Convert Text to captial letters (String).
- Wait - Delay Function (Seconds).
- Waitms - Delay Function (Millieconds).
- Waitus - Delay Function (Microseconds).
- When-Do - Conditional exection for one line only.
- While-Wend - Conditional exection (Loop).
- Word() - Convert a value to Word Type.
- WordToInt16 - Convert a Word value to an 16 Bit Integer.
- WordToInt32 - Convert a Word value to an 32 Bit Integer.