Idle-endIdle is a global event which is called when the processor has no commands to process. If Idle-endIdle is omitted in your source code, wait loops in the Luna internal methods are skipped. Syntax:
- Idle
- Programmcode
- endIdle
Methods that call this event while waiting:
You can call this event in your own loops to pass idle time to this event:
avr.device = attiny2313 avr.clock = 20000000 avr.stack = 12 Uart.Baud = 19200 Uart.Recv.enable Uart.Send.enable do a = Uart.ReadByte ' wait for a character, then read it Print "Character received: "+34+a+34 '"A" received loop ' is calle dwhile Uart.Read is waiting for a character Idle print "nothing to do" endIdle