String (Variable)

A String is a chain of any characters. Any type of alphabetic or numeric Informationen can be saved as a String. „Heinz Erhardt“, „13.11.1981“, „23.42“ are examples of Strings. LunaAVR also allows you to put binary data in a String such as Null-Bytes. In the source code, include your String in Qquotes. The maximum length in LunaAVR is 254 Byte. The default String content is „“ (empty). LunaAVR stores strings in the Pascal-Format, embedded in a MemoryBlock-Object. Strings require at least 2 Byte in memory (Pointer to the MemoryBlock-Object). eeprom-Strings require the number of static Byte defined in the eeprom. A RAM Memory String is a 16-Bit Pointer to a MemoryBlock of dynamic size.

Properties (read only)
Name Description Return Type
.Addr Address of the Variable in Memory word
.Len Read String length (number of characters) byte
.Ptr Address of the allocated Memory-Blocks word
Methods (read/write)
Name Description Return Type
.ByteValue(offset) individual Byte 1) byte

* offset: Byte-Position within the allocated Memory-Block, zero based. The first Byte is the String length identifier (offset = 0).

You may violate boundaries if exception is not declared. Boundary violation is not tested (faster).


dim a as bte
dim s as string
a=s.ByteValue(0) ' Read Length Byte, output: 5
s=s.ByteValue(1) ' Read 1. character of text, output: 72 (Ascii-"H")
1) an empty String returns „0“