+ (Add)

This operator is used to add numerical values or bind strings together.
result = Expression1 + Expression2
Following example addiert different values:

  dim x as integer
  x = 1+2+3

Following example binds different strings together:

  dim a as string
  a = "i am "+" a "+" string"
  a = a + " - 123"

- (Sub)

This operator is used to subtract two values.
Result = Expression1 - Expression2
This example does subtract different values:

  dim x as integer
  x = 10-2-4

* (Asterix)

This operator is used to multipy two values.
Result = Expression1 * Expression2
This example does multiply different values:

  dim x as integer
  x = 1*2*3

/ (Slash)

This operator is used to divide two values.
Result = Expression1 / Expression2
This example does divide different values:

  dim x as integer
  x = 9 / 3

^ (Circumflex/Hat)

This operator is used to potentiate a value.
Result = Expression1 ^ Expression2
This example does potentiate a value with 2:

ATTENTION! This function is processed in floatingh point arithmetic, like the function pow() in C. Integer arguments are automatically converted.

  dim x as single
  x = 1.234 ^ 2


This operator performs a modulo operation of a value.
Result = Expression1 MOD Expression2
The MOD-operator works with integers (Values without decimal places). Floating-point values would reduced to integers. Is one of the two arguments of the value = 0, then the result is undefined.

  dim x as integer
  x = 5 mod 2     ' Result: 1
  x = 5 mod 1.999 ' Result: 0