Convert Numeric Sign
ByteToInt16(), WordToInt16(), ByteToInt32(), WordToInt32()
Converts the source value into a signed one. This function is reuired if you want to pass on a unsigned variable or return value. Example is converting a Byte function result (0-255) that you want to use as a signed value (-127… +128). Byte is a unsigned data type, so all subsequent calculations would also be unsigned.
- integer = ByteToInt16( value as byte )
- integer = WordToInt16( value as word )
- longint = ByteToInt32( value as byte )
- longint = WordToInt32( value as word )
const F_CPU=20000000 avr.device = atmega328p avr.clock = F_CPU avr.stack = 64 uart.baud = 19200 uart.recv.enable uart.send.enable dim a as byte dim b as word a=0xff b=0xffff print str(a) 'Output: "255" print str(b) 'Output: "65535" print str(ByteToInt16(a)) 'Output: "-1" print str(WordToInt16(b)) 'Output: "-1"