#Define links commands or expressions similar to an Alias with a Identifier. The Source code can use this identifier as if it were an Expression. The compiler will replace the place holder with the corresponding expression.
#Define improves readability and adaptability of the programm or parts thereof. If you want to modify Ports for a different project; then just modify the ports only and not the whole source.
Define functions
You can define Define-Functions. The define function is a virtual function instead of a simple expression. The parameters of this virtual function are text-replaced in Expression on the right. See Example 2 and 3.
- Defines are always global!
- Already created Defines can be redefined like Constants. The old definition are then replaced by the new definition.
- #Define Identifier as Expression
Example 1
avr.device = attiny85 avr.clock = 8000000 avr.stack = 2 #define Button as Portb.4 dim a as byte Button.mode = Output, pulldown do if Button.debounceHigh then ' put your key pressed code here do waitms 100 loop until Button.debounceLow end if loop
Example 2
#define BV(n) as (1 << (n)) a and= BV(3) 'wird zu a and= (1 << (3))
Example 3
As of 2013.r6: Define-Functions
avr.device = attiny85 avr.clock = 8000000 avr.stack = 2 #define myfunc(a,b) as ((a + b) * a) dim var1,var2,result as byte result = myfunc(var1,var2) '"myfunc(var1,var2)" would ((var1 + var2) * var1) do loop