
Exceptions let you find errors in the program. Error handling when a exception is occurred.


  • exception exceptionName
    • Programmcode
    • [Raise]
  • endexception
Exception Name Description Raise
DivisionByZero1) Division by Zero occurred in a calculation yes
OutOfBoundsMemory MemoryBlock Object Boundry violation yes
NilObjectexception Referred object does not exist yes
OutOfSpaceMemory Memory full, Object can not be allocated no
StackOverflow Stack has overflowed. See also.. no

The exception handler in your code activates the appropriate debug function. Execution speed is reduced in some cases and additional memory in Flash is required. If possible (see Table), Raise will continue with code execution. In other cases the program will enter an endless (HALT) loop.

See also: Dump

' Initialization
' Main Program
dim a as byte
dim m,m1 as MemoryBlock
m.New(100)           'Allocate a Memory Block with 100 Byte
a=m.ByteValue(100)   'Raises an "out of range" exception
                     '(Access only 0-99, Offsets are zero based)
m1.ByteValue(0)=1    'Object does not exist
m1.New(3000)         'More memory allocated as available (Program will stop)
' Define an Exception Handler (activates the monitoring function)
exception OutOfSpaceMemory
  'Show error message
  Print "*** exception OutOfSpaceMemory ***"
exception OutOfBoundsMemory
  'Show error message
  Print "*** exception OutOfBoundsMemory ***"
  Raise  'Continue execution
exception NilObjectexception
  'Show error message
  Print "*** exception NilObjectexception ***"
  Raise  ' Programm fortführen
exception StackOverflow
  'Show error message
  Print "*** exception StackOverflow ***"
1) As of Version 2015.r1