dim a as word
dim b as long
'With objective functions of variables
'16 Bit
a.LowByte = Lese_Byte() 'write 1. Byte (Lowbyte)
a.HighByte = Lese_Byte() 'write 2. Byte (HighByte)
a.Byte1 = Lese_Byte() 'write 1. Byte (Lowbyte)
a.Byte2 = Lese_Byte() 'write 2. Byte (HighByte)
'32 Bit
b.byte1 = Lese_Byte() 'write 1. Byte
b.byte2 = Lese_Byte() 'write 2. Byte
b.byte3 = Lese_Byte() 'write 3. Byte
b.byte4 = Lese_Byte() 'write 4. Byte
b.LowWord = Lese_Word() 'write 1.+2. Byte (LowWord)
b.HighWord = Lese_Word() 'write 3.+4. Byte (HighWord)
'with masking/shifting
a = (a and 0xff00) or Lese_Byte() 'write 1. Byte (LowByte)
a = (a and 0x00ff) or (Lese_Byte() << 8) 'write 2. Byte (HighByte)
'and so on.