DebugBuild (pragma & interface)
Implemented as of Version | 2015.r1 |
By Pragma DebugBuild the compiler is instructed to compile with informations on the current line of luna-code and -file. For this global (one-time) 4 bytes are reserved in memory. Each line of a statement in the Luna-source results in most cases several machine instructions. The compiler inserts for each line of Luna code instructions to update the information before executing the machine code. An update requires 4 clocks.
- #pragma DebugBuild true
To query whether a DebugBuild is enabled (0 = false) exists following global constant:
The current line and file can be read by:
- word = DebugBuild.Row
- string = DebugBuild.File
Apart from
The updating of a line of code will automatically be suspended on the following conditions:
- Code in Exception-Handlers
- Code in asm-endasm
- Declarations or declaration blocks such as „dim“, „struct“, „data“, etc.
- Command line where the machine code generated does not contain complex expressions or no exception can triggered, such as „nop“, „portb.1 = 1“, „else“, „endif“, „endproc“, „endfunc“, „return“ (without return value), „default“, „endselect“, „class“, „endclass“, „do“, „wend“, „next“, „halt()“ etc.
- Command line where read the DebugBuild.Row/File
#pragma DebugBuild true const F_CPU = 16000000 avr.device = atmega328p avr.clock = F_CPU avr.stack = 32 uart.baud = 19200 uart.recv.enable uart.send.enable dim m as MemoryBlock print 12;"debugbuild example" print 'allocate a memoryblock m = new MemoryBlock(16) 'force the exception by writing out of bounds m.byteValue(20) = 123 halt() Exception OutOfBoundsMemory ' print error message #if DEBUGBUILD print "*** Exception OutOfBoundsMemory: line ";str(DebugBuild.Row);", in file: '";DebugBuild.File;"' ***" #else print "*** Exception OutOfBoundsMemory ***" #endif EndException