Data storage in flash memory using structures

Using a structure declaration you can be read and clearly take values in a data object better than it is possible for a data object with the given options. For this purpose, the pre-processor sets the values given in the corresponding commands such as „.db“, „.dw“, etc. The structure declaration itself consumpts no memory and used only to defining how data is structured and how they should be interpreted.


The data that e.g. repeating for a table to successive values are not as usual so defined with the following „.db“, „.dw“:

StructureName { ElementValue[, ElementValue1, ..] }


struct ENTRY
  byte   index
  string text[12]
  byte   terminate
  word   value
data table
  ENTRY { 1, "entry No. 1", 0, 0xcd44 }
  ENTRY { 2, "entry No. 2", 0, 0x1122 }
  ENTRY { 3, "entry No. 3", 0, 0xff00 }

This example is preprocessed to:

data table
  .db 1
  .db "entry No. 1 ",0
  .dw 0xcd44
  .db 2
  .db "entry No. 2 ",0
  .dw 0x1122
  .db 3
  .db "entry No. 3 ",0
  .dw 0xff00