#library "Library/Example/uint64.type" avr.device = atmega328p avr.clock = 20000000 avr.stack = 96 uart.baud = 19200 ' Baudrate uart.recv.enable ' Senden aktivieren uart.send.enable ' Empfangen aktivieren dim value as word dim a,b,r as uint64 print 12 a = 0x30303030 a = new uint64(0x30303030,0x30303030) b = new uint64(0x31313131,0x31313131) 'print the values of the objects using the object's functions print "value of a = 0x";hex(a.long2);hex(a.long1) print "value of b = 0x";hex(b.long2);hex(b.long1) 'math operation with this objects print "math operation 'r = a + b + new uint64(0x32323232,0x32323232)'" r = a + b + new uint64(0x32323232,0x32323232) print "result: r = 0x";hex(r.long2);hex(r.long1);" - expected: 0x9393939393939393" print "call method 'test1(r,a,b)'" test1(r,a,b) print "result: r = 0x";hex(r.long2);hex(r.long1);" - expected: 0x6161616161616161" halt() 'argument test procedure test1(byRef r as uint64, byRef a as uint64, byRef b as uint64) r = a + b endproc