Main Release 2015.r1




fix bug fixed
chg changed or modified
add added or new implemented
del deleted or removed

main release


  • fix: (ide) row numbers display drawing
  • fix: (ide) pin number display in ic package invisible
  • fix: (compiler) the discard of empty select-case conditions by the optimizer leads to the ignore of the following command line
  • fix: (compiler) global access of any objects in a class inline method results in a error message („vcall …“)
  • fix: (compiler) inline asm: asm macros was ignored


  • fix: (compiler) clr/clear on string/memoryblock vars and arrays (memory leak)
  • chg: (ide) additional options for the classic luna appearance, classic set to default


  • fix: (compiler) when…do goes wrong using self operations
  • fix: (compiler) first one of inline methods takes a wrong return
  • fix: (lavrc.library) attiny441/841 controller definitions and values
  • fix: (stdlib_string.module) add missed functions mkb(), mkw(), mkt() and so forth
  • fix: (ide) editing uart values of controllers
  • chg: (ide) central color appearance/preset in the menu settings, parser colors use now color identifiers instead direct color values


  • fix: (compiler) error message in asm-endasm blocks using directive statements like „.def“, „.equ“ and so forth
  • fix: (compiler) error message „invalid sram size“ using attiny13 and others with 64 bytes ram.
  • fix: (graphics.object) text drawing failures/disappeared chars and missed optional return value
  • fix: (graphics.object) replace draw mode for .text() function


  • fix: (compiler) assignment of complete structures from eeprom to sram goes wrong
  • fix: (compiler) assignment of structure string elements to another structure string calls mistakenly the memoryblock destructor and - if implemented - that triggers the OutOfBounds exception. the exception call is correct, but there are no MemoryBlock to destruct, because in structures strings are static. note: no memory leak, data copy is valid.
  • fix: (ide) update check reported wrong or older files/versions


  • fix: (compiler) error message at self-operations eg. „x += y“